The implementation status of the Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness(IMNCI) Strategy in Ethiopia
IMNCI is a cost effective strategy that deals with diseases and conditions of the greatest health burden
to children. The IMNCI strategy aims to improve the skills of health workers, the health system and the
family and community practices and strengthen the link between the health system and the community.
Currently, Ethiopia is in the expansion phase with all regions implementing IMNCI and there has been
progress in all the three components of IMNCI. Out of 662 public hospitals and health centers, 261(40%)
have IMNCI trained health workers managing under five children. Out of 622 Districts in the country,
220(35%) are actively implementing IMNCI. Fifty two percent (52%) of the 14500 target health workers
(Pediatricians, General Practitioners, Health officers and Nurses working in under five clinics) have been
trained either in pre service or in- service trainings. Seventy percent (23/31) of government health
professional training institutions are conducting pre-service IMNCI training for nursing, health officer
and recently medical students. Community IMNCI interventions are well underway in forty one (41)
districts in seven (7) regional states and total of 849 health personnel(541 health workers and 298
HEWs) were trained in the training of trainers(TOT) course on C-IMNCI. These in turn trained 4652
community Resource Persons (CRP) who were deployed serving 237.370 households in 216 Kebelles and
are working under immediate supervision of the Health Extension Workers.
A mini health facility survey was conducted in all regions in 2006 involving 3-4 facilities per region and
covering a total of 42 reportedly IMNCI implementing health facilities which were selected by
convenience. On the day of the visit, 38% (16/42)were not implementing IMNCI case management;
mainly due to attrition of the trained health workers in 8 of them, and due to improper assignment and
inadequate attention given to the service by the facilities...